Since I couldn't sleep this morning, around 7:30 I decided to take a drive around the village and try to clear my mind for the long day I have ahead, and maybe tire myself out enough to fall asleap for a little while before I don't sleep for the next 30 hours or so.
While I was driving down Main street in Williamsville (And debated going to Batavia for the hell of it) I drove by an interesting combination of bumper stickers on a car. To the left of me there was a little Hyundai Accent with a bunch of political bumper stickers. That's not to out of the ordinary in Williamsville. Everyone has some kind of misled agenda, that they really can't support or defend when it comes down to it. The first sticker that caught my eye was a Jack Davis sticker that plainly stated "Save American Jobs-Jack Davis" Fair enough. Our economy sucks, its no secret. And the fact that most of the old industial era jobs are being outsourced to other countries is the main reason. But, come on. You're driving a God-forsaken Hyundai. At least with Toyota they do attempt to give back to the American economy by building plants here and opening a good amount of their own financial instituions (TMCC) in the states. It's put them at the top of the auto manufacturing chain. The only reason they've been flip flopping with GM for the past few quarters is that they can't produce their vehicles fast enough to stay on top, as where GM has more plants, workers, and car lines than is neccesary. They could lose Pontiac and Buick for sure. Chevy is safe, as is Hummer, and GMC, purely based upon the work American, buy American concept. Which brings us back to that damn sticker. Strap that sticker on a Toyota. I'll still disagree with what point you're trying to make, but at least they try. Japan owns most of the United States to begin with. So who cares. But Hyundai? Really?
So where as people do we get off constantly and chronically doing this crap? Saying one thing, but conciously, or sub-conciously doing another. The brain is a fantasic thing. We can convince it to believe whatever we want. Think about it. If there's something you really want to believe, it's not overly hard to make it alright in your head. If I really felt that I needed to start being nice to people, and be considerate, I could probably do that. For the most part though, I'm an asshole. You say something stupid, Ill make sure you know its stupid. And Ill probably make you feel like a worthless piece of crap in front of people that you're trying to impress. I made it a daily ritual in high school. And even now at work. Your a moron, and here's why, in 10 easy steps. Now shut the fuck up. And keep your mouth shut for the next half an hour at least. Because you're that dumb, and I just proved it. And I'm 10 years younger than you. Anyways, back to my original bitchy statement. The kid in that Hyundai was a young college aged hippie looking schmuck. For me those people fall into the same general umbrella category as Agnostics. Which is the "I'm confused and I know I'm confused, and I'm ok with it, so that makes it all ok" category. Wrong. I don't care how confused you are, and how ok you are with being that confused. I still think you're a moron. How bout this. I think you're a moron, and I'm ok with thinking you're a moron, because in my mind you are. So essentially, I just turned you into a moron. And it doesn't matter what you think, because my mind tells me that I'm right. So there. Point in case. You can make your mind think whatever you want it to, which is how people can be "ok" with being so blatently hypocritical and not see a problem with it at all. Drive your import and, hell, vinal graphic the side with buy American. I really don't care. But your still a moron. And I'm still going to call you on it. If everyone could be ok with bitching eachother out without getting your thong in knots then I'd be a little more ok with going out side durring the day, rather than working at night because I hate people so much. Who has a blog and doesn't give a crap that you only function on half a brain or less? Anthony. I thought we've met?
New Blog
13 years ago
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