I've really had it with fake people. The people that think they can get away with saying things like, oh gosh, he used to be such a nice kid. I don't know what happened to him. But oh well, I can't do anything about it.
Here it is plain and simple. I used to be a drug addict. A couple years straight. Nothing but weed, pills, mushrooms and acid. Did anyone in that time try to do anything about it? No. yeah, my parents probably almost sent me to rehab a couple times. And tried half-assed interventions. At least they tried. Everyone else, who I thought knew me well enough to catch it didn't. The reason this came up is because tonight I recieved an ultamatim from the band. I can't play anymore because I relapsed. Congratulations einstein. No one put two and two together. I had no money, never slept, and lost lots of weight. Everyone just kept saying, "Anth, you're crazy man!" not, are you ok, is something wrong. It made me realize that about 95% of the time, people saying they're doing things because they "care" is really supporting their agendas. Convieniently a new band member, who happened to just move here, and also happened to be someones best friend automatically was shoed in. Imagine that. And I was booted, because someone is worried about me and cares. Bullshit. That's right. I called it. And I'll call it again. Bullshit. I'm not really that upset about not playing, I'm more pissed about the fact that people use at their discretion, my age. If they need to talk down to me theres the "You're only 19, you just don't understand" or the ever popular, "Yeah you're 19 but you're operating on a 30 year olds level." I'm smart, I got it. Stop talking with the baby voice and say it straight. I don't like bullshit, I don't like saying it, or hearing it.
So just to throw it out there, and put it in perspective for everyone here it is:
I relapsed pretty bad. I could've bought a car with what I put up my nose.
I've probably smoked half a forest.
I cleaned out at least half a pharmacy.
But, other people being gluttons, or porn/sex addicts, compulsive liars and thiefs isn't as bad. It's acceptable. As long as their friend doesn't play the same instrument.
Yes I did make that point very specific.
So it looks like it's time to clean out the trailer and get the $2000 worth of gear I bought for these guys back, and turn it over, or put it to much better use somewhere else. But wait, they still want me to be around so they can keep an eye on me and make sure I'm alright. Once again, bullshit. I'm a selfish person. I do things for me. If you've ever gotten anything from me its because you managed to tap into the heart of Anthony that most people don't think exists. So, I can spot that, they want a give take relationship. I give, they take. But all in goodwill of course.
Oh hey, look over there! it's rock bottom. Just seems to keep getting closer. We've gotten very close over the years.
New Blog
13 years ago
1 comment:
Wow, no wonder they were predicting a Holy Shit Storm on the Weather Channel just now. It's times like these that make me glad to be a hired gun who can watch from the sidelines.
P.S. You can come over to my house and not do drugs any time you need to. Even if we're not home. The door's never locked, there's never any beer, we hide the good pills and if you touch my bourbon without my consent I'll break your fingers.
Here's to clean living!
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