So after being rather determined to try and "pick up" as it were, a girl from my friends cafe, said girl said something along the lines of "You have no idea how many customers have tried to pick me up today, and it's only 1 P.M.!" at which point another waitress chimed in, "Should've told him you're taken" so after trying to talk to her for a little while, I grabbed my Carmel Kristie latte and hit the road. Yes the drink is actually named after the girl, and I'm pretty sure is actually on the menu as such. Leaving rather disappointed, due to no ones fault but my own, I drove around thinking for awhile. What's the deal, am I really just that old fashioned that at the drop of the idea that someone is taken, I simply drop off the face of the planet, never to be seen again. Or is it that I just simply don't have a pair big enough to do anything about it. A pinch of both is what I determined. That was Friday. Jump to Monday. My friend Jessica is still, almost annoyingly pushing me after this girl, insisting that she's still single. Honestly, I don't know because I haven't had a chance to check out that nifty ring on her finger that tells all. Pointing up= single, down=taken. That may be the only good thing I retrieved from my last actual relationship. Anyways, asked the sis about it, she said the opposite, so on that subject, still up to a flipping Mr. Washington to decide.
At work, while I was trying to leave, my friend Scott, who is one of my closest friend Rachel's ex, stopped in. Hanging out in the parking lot, a car pulls up next to us, and asks us what we were up to, so we proceeded to state the obvious and say "talking over a cigarette" they asked us what we were doing this weekend. It's my birthday and Scott is going to NYC, the girls said that's a shame, because they had a school date they needed dates to. The only saving grace was that I told them I was 26, and clearly too old for a high school dance. I'm 19. Anyways, they said they would be back tomorrow to see me. Creepy? Perhaps. But they were good looking, so what the hell. Me and timing, we're arch enemies. Now I have cafe girl on my mind again, and high school girls are trying to pick me up? That never happened in high school. The last person that tried to pick me up was a gay guy trying to get me to beat up his boyfriend and let him take me out for a good time. No joke. I've gotten more phone numbers given to me from gay men than from any girl that I've tried to get a number from, which at this point in time is, at tops, 4 or 5. Lame. In the fullest sense of the word. Lame. On a side note, which makes this even more fantastic, is that my friends uncle owns the Zebb's location by my house, and needs kitchen managers. Almost double what I'm making now. And full benefits. Hopefully at least that can go the right way. I can only hope.
New Blog
13 years ago
Dang. I've never been picked up by a gay guy. What the hell.
High school dance for your 20th birthday? I'm not sure I can get behind that, and not just because the alternative is my back yard with some fine cigars and bourbon.
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