I'm the reason for a board meeting. Yeah. Take that other important issues and things involving, well more important things. I've been the cause of board meetings at church and stuff like that before. Thanks mom. For calling and having me put on a prayer list that gets distributed to dozens of countries and hundreds of pastors all around the world. At least I didn't end up in rehab. But talking to the district manager, and goofing around with him, he mentioned that "Oh yeah, that position you wanted. I'm having a meeting with the fat bastard about that this week."
Oh damn. My promotion (which I hope it is) is being talked about between all of the bosses that love me, and the guy I called an asshole the first time I met him. That's right. I'm damn smooth.
This meeting could actually hold my future in it. Long term future. The job that I get, wouldn't just be a job, it would actually be a career. Not to mention, telling people I work at a sub shack and pull down more than they do in revenue, would be nice for a change. I mean, sub shack. It's amusing. My whole life may have just decided that it was ready to take off and start going somewhere, in about a week. Maybe a little more. But mostly the week. I have this really bad counting my eggs before they hatch type thing going on, but honestly, everything just needed to wait and hit at the right time, to make up for all the bad stuff that usually hits at the same time. And usually more often. The patience that I've been trying to exhibit for the last couple years is finally paying off. In a few different ways. God's gotten me out of places I wasn't supposed to be in, bad relationships, bad jobs, bad situations. Even though they didn't seem bad at the time. There's something to be said about having the patience to wait through all of that. It's a bitch. Waiting, and almost growing apathetic towards everything started to take its toll. Then SHAZAM.
Slap me in the face with a pile of, um, something nice. Not bloody steak or a baseball bat, or brass knuckles, or a chain, or broken bottle, or whatever else you may have when you're drunk and sounds like a good idea. I would've said flowers, but, that would make me sound more gay than I already do. (Explaining why I have clear coat nail polish in my work locker was difficult)
Honestly, the only thing that I really need right now, is prayer. That the fat man signs off on this spot, and that everything else falls into the place allotted for it before the world was born. It's got a good start in case you were wondering. Just a wrap it all up Jesus prayer and hopefully, all will be right in the world of Anthony.
New Blog
13 years ago
Praying for a career and a SHAZAM moment....got it.
Dude. This is totally phone call worthy. Or text, even.
Praying for you.
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