I just finished what may have been the worst jokes played on me ever. I'm calling it a joke, because that way, I'll be able to sleep tonight.
I've been trying to switch to day shift ever since all the drunk customers decided that my car was prime pissing area. That was almost 4 months ago. Finally, I've started picking up some day shifts. I closed last night (6A.M.) and was supposed to work 3P.M. until 9P.M. tonight. Haha. Good joke.
The day manager strolls, scratch that. Hobbles in last night. With a doctors note.. And can't work his shift from open til 9 when I was supposed to come in... Who is the only person able to cover this? Me. So lets get a time line rolling, shall we?
7p.m arrive at work
10p.m. recieve "My leg is busted yo!" talk with day manager
11p.m. Call boss, get a 12 hour shift delegated to myself.
12p.m. Start looking for booze
1a.m. no booze. Damn
5:30a.m Close store, take a leak, re-arrange the back seats of the Jeep so I can sleep in the parking lot so I am not late the next day/two hours from current time.
7:45a.m. knock, knock. "Wake up pumpkin!" The last person in the world that you'd want to hear that from, my boss, is saying this, peeking his goofy sunglasses adorned head in my car. I thought I messed myself. Then he dissapears. I crash again.
8:55a.m. Alarm. Go inside. Clock in. Start paperwork.
10:30a.m. Store opens. I go for coffee.
12:00p.m. Booze. Jim Beam to save the day. I have introduced old company ways to new employees. Impossible task34 finished.
2:00p.m. Try to stand up from chair in office after half a bottle of J.B.
2:15p.m. Actually get out of chair, start cooking.
5:00p.m. Headache. Pretty bad. Crappy radio station not making it any better.
9:00p.m. my assistant manager walks in. I walk out
9:12p.m. Get home. Go to sleep.
11:42p.m. Get rudely woken up by some phone call.
Currently it's almost midnight, and now I'm wide awake and 100%tired at the same time. Un-explainable. Kinda. Maybe thats the hangover talking.
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13 years ago
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