So awhile ago, I decided that I should make a list of all the things that I need to write about, but rarely have the time, at that specific moment to write about, because, I usually am doing something that is somewhat important. So as I paged through this list I found the title, "People like you, make people like me drink."
Most of these people are what my bosses like to call customers. I prefer; assholes, shit for brains, and princesses. That last one I'm quite fond of calling the "bad-ass" kids that come in, with their rice mobiles and their girl friends who at first glance are cute, but when they get closer, oh damn. Not even if I was drunk...
But the main point has nothing to do with most of these "customers" it's just people I'm around most of the time. On with the story
Sunday I played at church, don't mind the contradiction for now. And had to drive a couple of my friends out there, because they were playing music as well. Their dating relationship has been interesting to say the least. Well, from the sidelines for the last 2 or 3 years it has been. So service ends, and I'm attempting to leave. But these two had other plans. Like arguing. About what they were doing for the Bills game that day. Who's house they were going to, and other stuff they had to do. Fine. Just do it on the car ride home. Ha ha, yeah right. While I walked my tired ass out to the car they continued eating pastry in the office, and bickering there. Ten minutes passes and I'm still sitting in my car by myself waiting for these two happily disorganized/lovingly hateful people. They are that couple that you still can not understand why they're together. I've been trying to figure that out for years, literally.
Finally they get their shit together. And by shit, I mean they walked out to the car. 20 minutes later. By this point they have a maximum of 0% of their plans figured out for the day. Impressive. Damn impressive for people that should be able to tie their own shoes. But sometimes I wonder.
So ride home commences. They managed to have phone calls at the same time, and instead of being civil, they were, irrational. I can't call it fighting or arguing, because it simply wasn't. I don't know what to call it, other than just, plain, annoying. Especially when I was exhausted and was trying to listen to music.
Why? wouldn't you just freaking give up already? Do you love each other? Then stop bitching, at each other. Or at least do it when I'm not around. There are enough things pissing me off at any given time. I don't need more. Especially when I'm being the nice guy and driving your goofy asses out to play at a church. Bi-polar lovers/haters quarrels outside my presence/listening distance please, NOT IN MY DAMN CAR. Especially when my friend Mr. Daniels is hanging out in the back of my Jeep, doing nothing but calling my name because of these two children.
So I sat and thought to myself. This is why I do bad things. I don't like dealing with this junk all the time. I do it at work, and everywhere else. I thought my car was somewhat of a sanctuary for that. Guess not. It has recently been violated from the sanctity that was Anth's Jeep. Now it's just one more whine box with wheels.
People like that, make people like me drink.
New Blog
13 years ago
1 comment:
Don't forget individuals. That's by far my favorite greeting for customers that I've ever heard. By the way, you've been tapped to participate in a meme (pronounced meem). It starts with you reading this post and then seeing what kind of fun you can have with it.
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